This document is about PowerDNS 4.0. For other versions, please see the documentation index.


rec_control - control pdns_recursor




rec_control allows the operator to control a running instance of the pdns_recursor.

The commands that can be passed to the recursor are described on


To stop the recursor by hand, run:

# rec_control quit

To dump the cache to disk, execute:

# rec_control dump-cache /tmp/the-cache


--help : provide this helpful message.

--config-dir=PATH : Directory where the recursor.conf lives.

--config-name=NAME : Name of the virtual configuration.

--socket-dir=PATH : Where the controlsocket will live, please use --config-dir instead.

--socket-pid=PID : When running in SMP mode, pid of pdns_recursor to control.

--timeout=NUM : Number of seconds to wait for the remote PowerDNS Recursor to respond. Set to 0 for infinite.


add-nta DOMAIN [REASON] : Add a Negative Trust Anchor for DOMAIN, suffixed optionally with REASON.

add-ta DOMAIN DSRECORD : Add a Trust Anchor for DOMAIN with DS record data DSRECORD. This adds the new Trust Anchor to the existing set of Trust Anchors for DOMAIN.

current-queries : Shows the currently active queries.

clear-nta DOMAIN... : Remove Negative Trust Anchor for one or more DOMAINs. Set domain to '*' to remove all NTA's.

clear-ta [DOMAIN]... : Remove Trust Anchor for one or more DOMAINs. Note that removing the root trust anchor is not possible.

dump-cache FILENAME : Dumps the entire cache to FILENAME. This file should not exist already, PowerDNS will refuse to overwrite it. While dumping, the recursor will not answer questions.

dump-edns FILENAME : Dumps the EDNS status to the filename mentioned. This file should not exist already, PowerDNS will refuse to overwrite it. While dumping, the recursor will not answer questions.

dump-nsspeeds FILENAME : Dumps the nameserver speed statistics to the FILENAME mentioned. This file should not exist already, PowerDNS will refuse to overwrite it. While dumping, the recursor will not answer questions.

get STATISTIC [STATISTIC]... : Retrieve a statistic. For items that can be queried, see

get-all : Retrieve all known statistics.

get-ntas : Get a list of the currently configured Negative Trust Anchors.

get-tas : Get a list of the currently configured Trust Anchors.

get-parameter KEY [KEY]... : Retrieves the specified configuration parameter(s).

get-qtypelist : Retrieves QType statistics. Queries from cache aren't being counted yet.

help : Shows a list of supported commands.

ping : Check if server is alive.

quit : Request shutdown of the recursor.

quit-nicely : Request nice shutdown of the recursor.

reload-acls : Reloads ACLs.

reload-lua-script [FILENAME] : (Re)loads Lua script FILENAME. If FILENAME is empty, attempt to reload the currently loaded script. This replaces the script currently loaded.

reload-lua-config [FILENAME] : (Re)loads Lua configuration FILENAME. If FILENAME is empty, attempt to reload the currently loaded file. Note that FILENAME will be fully executed, any settings changed at runtime that are not modified in this file, will still be active. Reloading RPZ, especially by AXFR, can take some time; during which the recursor will not answer questions.

reload-zones : Reload authoritative and forward zones. Retains current configuration in case of errors.

set-carbon-server CARBON SERVER [CARBON OURNAME] : Set the carbon-server setting to CARBON SERVER. If CARBON OURNAME is not empty, also set the carbon-ourname setting to CARBON OURNAME.

set-dnssec-log-bogus SETTING : Set dnssec-log-bogus setting to SETTING. Set to 'on' or 'yes' to log DNSSEC validation failures and to 'no' or 'off' to disable logging these failures.

set-minimum-ttl NUM : Set minimum-ttl-override to NUM.

top-queries : Shows the top-20 queries. Statistics are over the last 'stats-ringbuffer-entries' queries.

top-pub-queries : Shows the top-20 queries grouped by public suffix list. Statistics are over the last 'stats-ringbuffer-entries' queries.

top-largeanswer-remotes : Shows the top-20 remote hosts causing large answers. Statistics are over the last 'stats-ringbuffer-entries' queries.

top-remotes : Shows the top-20 most active remote hosts. Statistics are over the last 'stats-ringbuffer-entries' queries.

top-servfail-queries : Shows the top-20 queries causing servfail responses. Statistics are over the last 'stats-ringbuffer-entries' queries.

top-pub-servfail-queries : Shows the top-20 queries causing servfail responses grouped by public suffix list. Statistics are over the last 'stats-ringbuffer-entries' queries.

top-servfail-remotes : Shows the top-20 most active remote hosts causing servfail responses. Statistics are over the last 'stats-ringbuffer-entries' queries.

trace-regex REGEX : Emit resolution trace for matching queries. Empty regex to disable trace.

unload-lua-script : Unloads Lua script.

version : Report running version.

wipe-cache DOMAIN [DOMAIN] [...] : Wipe entries for DOMAIN (exact name match) from the cache. This is useful if, for example, an important server has a new IP address, but the TTL has not yet expired. Multiple domain names can be passed. DOMAIN can be suffixed with a '$' to delete the whole tree from the cache. i.e. '$' will remove all cached entries under and including the name.


None known. File new ones at



